Sunday, October 14, 2012

Yoichi and Jori take to the skies (A Bella Morte Tale)

Jori stomped back into her office and opened the file she had thrown down before her meeting with Yoichi the other day. This one may take her as far as Tibet, and she did not relish the isolation, not one bit. She thought about seeing if Maschera wanted to go, but she seemed to remember Chera just having returned from a trip herself. Second thought.. Yoichi. Could she trust him enough to have her back in Tibet? Was this a good first run for him, and thirdly could he even go? Sighing heavily, she lifted the receiver on her phone and pressed the extension for his office, getting his voicemail. -"Yoichi, when you get this, can you come see me? I have an assignment and I'm curious as to whether you'd accept and feel comfortable with the partner you'd have for it. Talk to you soon."- cradling the reciever, Jori opened the file, two agents in Tibet. This wasn't the case which involved Cree's death. This was entirely new. And very political.

?Flashing back into his office after a night out in the lower lands of south America hunting for his personal amusement. Seeing the a flashing red light on his desk he pushed it while melting away his dirty cloths and replacing them with new ones. Hearing the message left by Jori, he flashed into her office with a smug look on his face.  "So what's the death wish in now?"

Jori gave a smug smirk. "You're quick. I like that. I have an assignment. And I've chosen you for my partner for the assignment if you choose to accept the mission. We have two targets in Tibet. But ... you'll have to trust me. Do you accept?"

Thinking about it for a minute he had a feeling that something wasn't completely right about what she was asking him. "What is the exact mission?"  He asked finally his curiosity at it's peak.

Takes a deep breath, and looks him in the eye.  "I will tell you all I know. Search me and see I don't lie. There are two covert operatives in the highlands in Tibet. They are a national security risk and it's up to us or in the case you refuse, to me to take them out. That's all I know, and have to go on, except this." slides the dossier across to him so he can look through the descriptions and possible whereabouts in Tibet of the two.

Raising an eye brow he picked up the dossier on the two that they'd be going after if he went with her. Slowly he read threw it, reading everything about them and what they looked like before closing it and laying it on her desk. Well, it is pretty close to where I once lived... Same Pantheon that's for sure.. since it's not all that different.."  Thinking about it for another minute, just for the dramatics of it. "I'll go. It'll be interesting if we ended up running into some folk that I know over there that don't want me dead."  He said before quickly rubbing his nose to get an itch.  "Just tell me when you want to leave. I don't like conventional means of travel. Blasted human transportation takes to long."

Jori arched a brow.  "If we run into those who DO want you dead, they'll find it not so easy. I will stand with you Yoichi."  Since they were a team, she wouldn't let him be killed if she could help it. She thought a moment over his words.  "We'll need the jet, for the office capabilities. If you don't want to take the time to fly, we can ..." makes air quotes  ... "Transport it."   By transport she meant, use the ancient power to put it there with them in it. Not normally how she did things when it came to working, but she would if it made a partner more comfortable. For once trusted, it was all in or nothing with Jori and with Bella Morte Inc.

"That sounds like a pain... Why do we need an office while we're there? Can't we just go in, kill the two f*ck heads and be back for dinner?"  He asked popping his neck before taking a seat in a chair.  "But if we need the plane Im not going to argue with it. Not like falling from the sky can kill me anyways. Anything we need to discuss? Or you wish to pass on?"   He asked sitting there, and still as a statue.

?she sighed.  "Slow down Yoichi. This takes precision and planning. They aren't going to be so easy. They have tricks up their sleeves too you know. You read the dossier. What did it tell you?"

Taking it slow was something he was use to that was for sure. He normally would just go in, get friendly with the targets get alone with them and just destroy them. But since it wasn't just his mission, he'd play it her way instead of his.  "Well from what I read, it said one of them is a known human spy. Favor's handguns and rifles. The other said something about them being a half human were. Likes to be a b!tch about fighting."  he said adding that last bit in himself since the report didn't really say that.*  "Four possible hide-outs two in the mountains and a couple in the city. So, I don't know what you want to do. But I'd prefer hitting the mountains first."

She nodded, listening to him and then his idea of hitting the mountains first. Thinks a moment, folding her hands in front of her and placing them under her chin.  "I agree. Let's hit the mountains first. We'll take the jet because we will need to report back here. Can you check and see if there's a bunker or anywhere we can hide the jet? We'll also need the motorbikes for ground transport. So those will go on the jet with us."

Thinking about it for a minute he did recall having a little hide-out while in his first few years on the surface in Tibet in the mountains that they could possibly use.  "Well, we could use a place that I use to live for the jet. It's at the base of these mountains here."  he said pointing at the desk with her finger before a map appeared under it, and the area where he was pointing on it showed the mountain range.  "When we get there I can just manifest some motorcycles for us. The chances of a human coming across us up here will be very unlikely since they have legends about a demon that eats people in the area. So they won't be coming around."  He said with a shrug, considering the legend was about him, but it didn't really matter to him.

Jori nodded. "Travel light... I like it. Alright... We need to move soon though."  thinks a moment, before getting up and crossing the room pouring a drink for each of them, and walking back handing him a glass. Puts her own glass to her lips and knocks it back.  "How does tomorrow sound?"

He shrugged, as he took the second glass and slapped it back and set the glass down.  "I don't really have a proper meaning of time yet... So when the sun rises again, we leave right?"  he asked with a cheesy grin.

She chuckled, nodding.  "Yes. That's right. IF it works for you that is. We are partners remember. You are not a subordinate."  takes his glass. "Another?

"Tomorrow's fine. I'll just figure something out about seeing if some of the folk I know will keep their traps shut while I'm there." He said while waving off the offer for seconds.

As she takes their glasses to the bar and sets them down, she asks  "Will your.."  turns back and looks at Yoichi  " ..disguise hold up for the whole trip? Or do you have to change periodically?"   She had asked the question merely to determine his needs in the matter and hoped he understood she meant no sleight to him in asking.

Yoichi was laughing at the obscure question.  "I can go without changing if need be , if that's what you need me to do."   He said looking at her as she took the glasses.

She shook her head.  "No. You do what you need to do. This will ensure no complications while we work. Do you have any other questions?"  she spoke as she walked back over to Yoichi and reclined against her desk.

Thinking about it for a moment he started to stand he, had no more questions.  "Nada, and generally you won't even know I'm missing. But ill see you at sun rise tomorrow then."
He said before flashing back to his office to set some things in order.

As quickly as he'd came, he was gone. He was fast, she'd give him that. She just hoped that he proved to be a loyal friend and ally while they were on assignment.

The next day.....

Yoichi flashed into his office after his 
late night meal he used his powers to hit play on 
the answer machine. Listening to the message 
left by Jori. Flashing again to the outside of her 
office he knocked once on the door before 
opening it and poking his head in.
 "All ready to go get this done?" He asked with a 
toothy grin.
Jori had been sleeping pretty hard, as she’d not 
slept much recently, and at the sound of the 
knock, she was up and out of her chair, gun 
drawn looking at Yoichi. She frowned, a small 
laugh escaping her.
She said putting her gun away, thinking 
loudly at herself.. Sheesh Jori wake up much? 
And hopes he isn’t insulted by her quick action 
as she walks across the room. 
"I think it’s the fangs."  She said with a sly 
grin."They add to your all around charm."
Grabs a katana off the wall and hands it to 
him. "You want me to strap on a few extra 
weapons just in case?"
He raised his hands defensively and laughed 
slightly. "Won’t need any weapons. Fire 
breathing dragon, remember." He said as he 
walked into the office and placed the katana on 
his belt anyways. "I think it might be a good 
idea, just in case a few escape. Ya know?" He 
said as he stood there.
Jori nodded in agreement and watched him place 
the katana in his belt. She walked over to her 
wall and grabbed a couple more blades, a sai, 
and a few shurikens she tucked in the back 
waistband of her jeans, a 9mm in her boot, and 
a 10mm Glock Subcompact tucked into her bra. 
She looked up at Yoichi.  "What?" She grinned. 
"I like to be prepared"
"Thats not an issue. As long as your ready." He 
said holding out his hand for her to take. "Don’t 
for get to breath." He said before focusing his 
powers on the air space above the area they were 
going to be assaulting from. Getting a clear 
picture of what was in the general area.  "Good 
thing it’s night time there right now, or this 
would be three times as hard." He said as she 
took his hand and flashed them both into the air 
space over Tibet, five thousand feet in the air 
and started free falling.
As they suddenly vanished from the office and 
reappeared in a free fall, she squeezed his hand, 
pure terror momentarily crossing her features. 
"Yoichi?!" She said looking into his face for any 
sign that she needed to do anything.
 A devilish smile crossed his face, as he 
transformed. His body expanded, letting the 
clothing rip off his body as his skin was 
replaced with scales. His hands turned into 
large claws as his body grew wings. Growing in 
size he angled himself so that his wings were 
behind Jori before opening them to full length to 
slow his decent. ~"Don’t worry. Why would I 
kill someone like this? Theres no fun in it."~ He 
spoke into her mind with as he turned his head 
to look at her on his back.
Jori smiles and runs a soft hand over his scales, 
he was so beautiful, as she secured herself onto 
his back, she laughed softly.  "It wasn’t that I 
was afraid of you… it was just the sudden drop!" 
She shouted over the wind.
Circling down in a wide arch towards the 
building that he a feeling was the place the 
double agents were hiding out, Yoichi responded. 
~"Well it seemed to me you were afraid of me 
just letting you falling from the sky."~  He 
smirked, showing off the fangs in his muzzle. 
~"We’ll be on the building shortly."~ He said 
as the lights of the town slowly started to come 
into view. Letting out a loud howling rawr that 
echoed for miles he angled his body straight for 
the building going into a nose dive. Folding his 
wings in to gather more speed, they would be on 
the building in a matter of minutes.
Drawing on the ancient power Jori manifested 
her pack into her hands and pulled out two 
exploses, waiting for the right moment to strike 
them and drop them onto the building. "This 
should announce our arrival Yoichi." She said 
simply as she puts both explosives in one hand 
and gently runs her hand over his scales on his 
neck. " And, No, I don’t honestly think you’d let 
me fall my friend. Now, let’s see… when would 
you like me to drop these?"
Grinning, it was amazing that she was so 
trusting even though they hardly knew each 
other, which was something he was not used to. 
~"Feel free to drop your explosives off any time. 
From this height you might want to wait a few 
seconds before setting them off unless they’re 
impact detonated."~ He said and for some 
reason he found it rather conforting when she 
ran her hand over the scales on his neck. Which 
was strange for him to admit to himself.
Deciding it was better to use her power to 
detonate the explosives, Jori took one in each 
hand and in order to get a good angle, she 
squeezed her knees and leant forward just a bit, 
pitching underhandedly and watching them 
fall. "They’re gone Yoichi!" She called out to 
him, gently righting herself on his back and 
waiting for just the right moment to… there.. 
now.. Jori focused and threw her hands forward, 
sending a blast of ancient power out and 
slamming into the explosives, instantly 
detonating them just as the hit about halfway 
down the building. As the building began to 
collapse Jori slipped sideways from the 
shockwave and started to fall. Thinking 
quickly she wrapped her legs around his neck 
and dangled slightly, holding on for dear life 
by just her leg muscles. "Yoichi!! Bank left! I’ve 
got a problem!" Desperately hoping he banked in 
time for her to pull herself up by her legs.
Hearing her yelling about the explosives being 
gone, he started to expand his throat, activating 
the glands that helped spark the gases that 
caused a dragon to breath fire. Just before he was 
ready to shoot balls of fire into the building 
after the explosion. There was a more desperate 
call for help from Jori. ~"Hold on tight Im going 
to do something extremely stupid.. Just trust 
me."~  He said as he rotated his body to the 
point that he should of died mid flight in order 
to get her back onto his back. Shooting two large 
balls of fire off, one just barely missed the hole, 
and caused the roof to cave in raining debris 
into the building and the other hit the street just 
outside the front door, due to having changed 
sudden directions with his wings on the other 
Squeezes tighter with her thighs as that is the 
only way she can hold on, her arms were free 
falling through the air, Her hair dangerously 
close to the explosions happening below. As he 
rolled she was thrown half up and onto his back, 
instantly wrapping her arms around his neck 
and sending some power into him, feeling that 
that was hard for him to do. She held onto his 
neck while he shot some fire at the building, 
then she saw some people scrambling out the 
doors at ground level, calling in some more of 
the power of the tigress she gazed down at them 
as though they were prey, seeing the two marks 
fleeing together, with the two that Yoichi had 
discovered right behind. Sitting back upright, 
Jori drew the guns from her bra. "Yoichi,"  points 
at the ground with her glock "You see them?? I 
need a little closer since they are moving."
~"That won’t be an issue, just hold on it’s 
gonna be a sharp turn"~ Tilting his body and 
wings into a tight turn to make it around the 
burning building he started down the same 
street as the four men that were running for 
their lives. Flying down the street with his tail 
hitting most of the cars and setting off the 
alarms and leaving large dents in the side of 
them. As he got closer to the two that he’d 
marked as his targets he started snapping his 
jaws, before he caught one of them in the chest 
and tore him to shreds of nothing but meat in 
his mouth. Swallowing the body whole he 
started for the next one but just kept missing.
Wrapping her arms around his neck to hold on, 
hoping she wasn’t hurting him, Jori waited til he 
righted himself in the sky, and barely flinched 
as pieces of man meat flew past her, she merely 
took aim, glock in one hand and 9mm in the 
other. As soon as the two men were in her sights, 
Jori squeezed first one trigger and then the 
other. Watching as the kneecap was blown out of 
one and the other lost a chunk of his ear. 
"D@mn! That sucked."
As the other man fell to the ground, he finally 
managed to get the guy he was after into his 
mouth, spraying blood all over his muzzle and 
mouth. Dropping the two halves of the man on 
the road just in time to pick up the one on the 
ground with a blown out knee in one of his 
claws. ~"I can eat this guy right? We don’t need 
to ask questions or any of that spy bs?"~ He 
asked tightening his grip on the man causing 
him to squirm like a worm.
Jori laughed. "No, eat him up Yoichi." She said, 
taking aim again at the other guy. "Don’t know 
what’s up with my guns skills, but he should’ve 
been dead." laughs again, then holds her breath 
as she aims at the other man who was trying to 
run again, while he held his ear. Time stood still 
momentarily as the great dragon that was 
Yoichi flew by, and Jori squeezed the trigger, 
watching the bullet enter his heart via his 
ribcage. He crumpled. "All yours if you want 
him."  She said as she once again became aware 
of the world around her and began to breath 
Grabbing the body of the other man in his other 
free claw he started their ascent back up in the 
cloudy skies leaving a trail of dented cars and a 
couple of broken windows on a few buildings. 
He could already see people coming out of their 
homes in the middle of the night pointing up at 
them and then to the burning building down 
the road. ~"Sounds great, the souls in these two 
are gonna be delicious together."~ He said before 
he leveled out again out of sight of everyone 
below and brought the body of the dead man to 
his muzzle and placed him on his tongue and 
swallowing him whole. The other man fought 
and as he was about to put him into his mouth, 
the man rolled out of it. Falling to his sure 
death. ~"That guy was a coward anyways. 
Taking the easy way out. Ready to go back 
Jori laughed and ran a hand softly down his 
scales. "Let’s do! And you don’t want the soul of 
a coward anyway Yoichi. You’re too good for 
them." She watches everything go by so fast 
and turns to look at the destruction behind them 
for a moment.
Taking a deep breath, he slowly started to get 
smaller, just enough to fit into his office back 
in the main headquarters building so he 
wouldn’t damage too much of the things in 
there to the point his intern would ask 
questions. After folding in his wings, he 
immediately started to fall from the sky before 
he flashed them back to Bella Morte and into his 
office. ~"Here we are. Safe, sound, and I believe 
we still have our nine lives right?"~ he asked in 
a joking tone.
Before she even turn back away from the 
destruction they had wrought, they were safely 
in Yoichi’s office back at Bella Morte Inc. "That 
was awesome! Yes, of course we do." She was so 
happy, she had felt instinctively she could trust 
him and it seemed she could.
~"Well Im glad you like my way of just 
getting the bad out of everything. Makes a few 
people happy to be alive I guess."~ he said before 
lowering his body to the floor, and crushing the 
coffee table he was standing over with his mere 
weight. Not to mention his claws where already 
starting to dig into the hard wood floors. ~"But 
could you hop off? I don’t want to change with 
someone on me. Never done anything like that 
before and I don’t honestly think you’d like 
what would happen."~
Climbs down, feeling her boots hit the solid 
floor, she turned to look at Yoichi and smiled. 
"There you go, let me get you a drink while you 
change." Walks over to the bar and gets him a 
glass of blood.
Slowly the scales on his body started to melt 
away, and his wings receded back into his body 
along with the tail. His rear legs turned back to 
normal and his arms as well. Cracking his neck 
his head was the last thing to change back into 
the last form he’d been in before they’d gone out 
on the mission. "Thank you. And the only 
reason why I didn’t want you on me was 
because it might of ended badly for the both of 
us. My body won’t digest living beings of any 
sort, that's why they have to be dead. Or they’d 
still be alive in me… Which would be 
uncomfortable for the both of us." He said before 
waving his hand over the places his claws had 
dug into the floor and fixing them instantly.
Jori smiled and nodded in understanding. "No 
worries Yoichi."  she handed him the glass, 
sending a wave of ancient power into him, 
refreshing him, soothing him. We all have our, 
different..."  allows her eyes to flash the feline 
look of the tigress and her teeth to elongate as 
she purred out the rest of the sentence. 
"...Anomalies, I guess you’d say." Returns to 
normal and grins.
"Oh I know we all have our differences, so, its 
not a big deal."  He said taking the glass and 
downing the whole thing in one setting and 
without breathing. "So whats next? We wait for 
something else to come in pretty much?"
Jori nodded. "It won’t be long, and you can now 
have your choice of partners for your cases. It’s 
up to you. Alexa is working on her first now, she 
is in Rome."
He snorted, and started laughing at the idea of 
going to Roma on a mission. "Okay, Imma lay 
this out just for future knowledge. I can’t step a 
toe on any ground that’s been blessed or is 
hallowed. Rome is 89% blessed so if I don’t watch 
where I step I’d turn to dust in a instant." He 
looked at her with an all but joking look on his 
Her jaw drops as she looks at Yoichi. "Ok, you 
are going no where hallowed. Got it?"  Grins, she 
so wasn’t losing her friend after she just found 
Smiling at her he walked over to his desk and 
took a seat. "Thats good to know that I won’t be 
sent over to any hallowed places."
Jori arches a brow and walks over sitting on the 
desk a moment. "Well, you can be trusted, and 
you’re with us here. So you won’t be sent 
somewhere that you cannot go. How do you feel?"
He smirked, showing off one of the fangs that 
normally kept hidden from eye sight. "I feel 
fine, like I could take over the world fine I guess. 
But that’s to much of a bother to even try to do." 
he said rolling his eyes jokingly.
Jori chuckled. "I don’t think it’s even worth the 
effort honestly. The world is in such need of 
saving, there’d never be any rest. When you 
decide on your next assignment, I told you you 
can pick any of us to work with, but you don’t 
have to pick anyone. There are some cases I know 
which are just such that it’s a waste of manpower 
for more than one person. That being said 
however, I’d be willing to work with you 
anytime Yoichi." Gives a half grin. "I actually 
enjoyed doing that job."
 What was he feeling, for some reason he 
couldn’t help but act slightly funny around 
her. Something he never was or had been in the 
past years. It was slightly confusing for him to 
actually figure out. "Well Im glad I can pick 
whom I want to work with. Since I'm not all that 
sure about the others. Granted you do trust 
them, Im just wary about people in general…" he 
said moving slightly closer to her in his chair to 
where she sat on his desk.
She nodded, noting that same stray hair that 
insisted falling across his face in whatever skin 
he was in, she smiled as she gently brushed it 
back. "I know you’ll be fine with them Yoichi. 
Just remember that they have your back just as I 
do. So, don’t fret or eat them." she grinned 
joking with him.
Frowning slightly as he sat there and watched 
her brush the loose strands out of his face again 
with a slightly confused look. "Well I can’t 
promise either, as long as I don’t get shot they’ll 
live. That’s how I work."
Jori leaned back crossing her legs and smiled. 
"Well then I think we’ll be in for a long and 
very interesting friendship, cause Chera won’t 
shoot or kill anything that doesn’t directly 
threaten her, a member of this facility, or isn’t 
on a case. And Alexa John Just seems to really 
want a new life and to fit in somewhere. She 
seems kind yet lethal. You see, you all were 
picked long before you crossed my path. None of 
you here by accident."
Raising an eye brow. "So you’re saying the 
fates are the ones putting us here? Cause I hate 
those b*tches."  He said blatantly, but it wasn’t 
all that bad having to worry about being cased 
through hell, or some allyways just to get away 
from a group of dumb @ss demons so he figured 
it worked out. "Never liked them to begin with…" 
he said with a heavy sigh.
 Jori laughed softly. "No, not them. I am just 
saying, there are few accidents in life. The power 
that created me to be what I am is putting in 
place my life just as it is yours… whatever all 
that even means. It’s just, I guess I mean 
everything happens for a reason." smiles softly  
"Besides,"  she started to lay a comforting hand 
on his arm but hesitated recalling his dislike of 
being touched much. "if anyone comes looking 
for you here Yoichi, they will have to go through 
me, and Chera. Those two I know for sure. And 
it takes a lot to cut us down."  Sighs and 
finally places her hand back on her knee, 
squeezing gently to alleviate the comforting 
energy she had flowing through it.
As soon as her hand touched him he felt a 
burning in his body, which he’d never really 
felt before. He’d only ever been touched in ways 
that caused pain, but with her, there was none at 
all which was rare to him. And as soon as she’d 
touched him it was gone.  "Okay well, if we ever 
start taking orders from those Greek b*tches 
count me out. I’d rather go back to free lancing 
and how I was living than take orders from 
them. And thank you for offering to protect me 
even though Im a lot older then you and Im 
pretty sure I can handle my self."  he said 
slightly joking about it even though he was 
glad that she was willing to lay down her life 
for his, which slightly upset him at the same 
time. "I think we should get some rest. Granted 
we were only gone for about…"  he looked at the 
clock on the wall over by the mini bar.  "A half 
hour our time, it would seem."
Jori smiled at all of his words and leaned 
forward. "There is one thing you will learn about 
me, I don’t take orders from anyone. I give them, 
when needed. And Certainly not to my friends. 
Of which you are. And yes, rest and a hot 
shower sounds good to me so that’s where I am 
headed. You relax and have a good rest of your 
day."  She hopped down off the desk and went to 
the door, pausing and turning around.  "And 
by the way. Thanks, and good job out there my 
friend."  winks and disappears.

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